I recently heard a palliative healthcare worker say that “suffering is like a wedge between the world you want and the world you’ve got.” …
How to Have a Great Day, Everyday
When you decide to make gratitude an intentional practice, for example by keeping a gratitude journal, you start to look out you look for the highlights in the day…
The really great thing is that the more you look for these moments, the more they appear, and the more full your life is. Like attracts like. It’s a law of life…
PTSD from Pain to Triumph
I have no words … this woman’s courage humbles me.
“Hi everyone
I just wanted to share my experiences with Rhys and Pax Bodywork and the changes I have seen in myself. I am in my 50’s, I have had long term pain and stiffness in my neck and hips due to an accident 25 years ago, I am dyslexic and to boot have a diagnosis of PTSD from childhood trauma which has caused me to hold a lot of tension in my body, not be at home in my body, get anxious and I found it hard to stay grounded in certain situations….
Get this party started!
We are told that when we bring our focus into our body it's as if every single cell is jumping for joy, basking in our attention.
It's a very healing thing to do for ourselves.
There are about 40 trillion cells in the human body, almost the same as the number of stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
Imagine how good it will feel when those 40 trillion cells are all cheering for us.
Take a few moments now to come into our body, pay it some attention, and get this party started!
Could our Bones Slow Aging?
You May Know It
You May Know It
“And we dance to a whispered voice,
Overheard by the soul, undertook by the heart
And we may know it … if we may know it”
Neil Diamond may not immediately come to mind as a philosopher, but IMHO he was on to something in 1973 when he wrote the song “Be” as part of the Jonathan Livingstone Seagull album. On the face of it the story is about a wondering seagull. But actually, it is an allegory for life.
We know there is a presence deep inside each of us, much deeper than thought, nothing in fact to do with the crazy antics of our thinking mind. It’s an anchor, a rock, our place of surety…
A Quick Tip for Preventing Tension in the Body (and so many other benefits!)
Would you like to know one quick way of preventing tension from developing in your body that you can implement today? That also:
· Improves mood and reduces stress
· Generates mindfulness
· Improves confidence
· Enhances the way you appear to others, ie your charisma
· Improves your overall health
This tip works…
drop tension, feel better
How Deep Does Zero Balancing Go?
How Deep Does Zero Balancing Go?
I have a middle-aged lady who comes to see me every month. She has had a number of physical challenges over many years and needs a walking stick. During the session she chat’s away about her current challenges, her struggles with the medical system, her garden or her animals - for the whole 45 minutes! She does not know how Zero Balancing helps her. All she knows is that she feels better afterwards, her joints hurt less, she feels more peaceful, and she sleeps better afterwards. Nothing else helps her like ZB.
To me it has become clear that there are two conversations going on at the same time here …
Stress Related Pain
Most people think that stress related pain is held in the muscles of the back and neck. While that is partly true, what is not commonly known is that most tension is actually held deep in the bones.
The upper ribs between the shoulders are one classic site of this tension, with the pain often radiating along the rib under the scapula…
Why Peace?
Why Peace?
People sometimes ask me what Pax means in my company name Pax Bodywork. I usually tell them that Pax is latin for Peace, and that Peace has always been an important value in my life.
Probably more accurately, Peace is an important state to live in, and I’m happy to say that I’m in that state most of the time these days.
Peace became especially important to me in the early 1980’s …
Zero Balancing FAQ's
What is Zero Balancing?
Will Zero Balancing help me?
What can I expect at a Zero Balancing session?
👍 What is Zero Balancing?
Zero Balancing (ZB) is a non-diagnostic, holistic bodywork therapy. Gentle touch is used to ease tension through the skeleton and soft tissue, balancing structure and energy through the whole system to amplify vitality and support a greater sense of well-being…
Present Moment Awareness
Why present moment awareness?
When you are not AWARE you are at the mercy of thought. This allows anxiety and fear to manifest.
We mistakenly think that unless we worry about things, then we are not in control of our life. This is an error, we are not doing the thinking. Thinking is something that happens to us, it is self-serving and has no useful purpose. In fact the uncontrolled feelings of fear are one of the effects.
When we become AWARE of this we take the first step towards freedom. Without present moment awareness we have no free will.
So now we have a choice …
7 Simple Steps to Build Immunity
There is so much advice floating round in cyberspace right now on virus prevention and immunity. My own advice is fairly simple:
Eat a balanced diet - maybe cut meat consumption to 1 meal a day, or even every other day. Eat more plant based food, and a variety.
Exercise - during lock down that might be limited to walking, or home based options such as yoga, tai chi, treadmill and so on. Staying fit builds immunity and helps our tolerance to everyday stress.
Try and get some sun on our skin each day...
How to be our own hero
Our 14 point plan starts now!
Do what we love. Take a chance on ourselves. We only pass this way once in our lives. What could be the one thing that we will look back at the end of our life and wish we had done? Does it align with our values? Do that.
If we still don’t know what that thing is yet, just ask the Universe. And then wait for the answer. It will come and it will excite us like nothing else. If it doesn’t, then that wasn’t the answer. It will probably involve helping someone else to do something they couldn’t do before. That feels good, right? Keep asking.
Do not procrastinate. “We don’t have time right now.” Time is all we have. How we choose to spend it is our conscious choice…
"You've got a friend …"
I thought that was a much better title than “you-know-what”. It’s also an excellent Carole King song :)
At the time of writing NZ has moved to health alert level 2. So at this stage restaurants, nail salons, hair dressers and Zero Balancing bodywork therapists are still open. Wahoo!!!
However, the situation is obviously changing day by day, so check back here if you are unsure or call me if you have any questions…
Coronavirus - This too shall pass!
Flu season is almost upon us, and Covid 19 has grabbed everyone’s attention this year.
Almost all of us knows someone who has been affected by the virus, especially as regards to travel. There is plenty of advice online regarding the symptoms to look for and when to self isolate. We have to remember that along with the new virus, there are a whole lot of other flu and common cold viruses out there. So don’t panic, let your symptoms be your guide and consult your GP if you are unsure.
If you do have any symptoms of cold or flu then please reschedule any appointments with me to a later date. You will enjoy the session more when you are feeling better anyway. If I develop any symptoms I will do the same.
However, right now I am feeling amazing. And I want you to feel the same, or better …
Suffering is Optional
We are here occupying these bodies for a brief time, and we are here to grow, if we choose. We all know the adage that we learn from our mistakes. However, our spirit also has the opportunity to learn and grow, as the result of dealing with adversity and pain. Usually we don’t learn much from the good times and plenty. It is in the depths of physical and mental challenges that we are asked the hard questions. It is not the pain alone, but our response to the pain that holds the key to growth. Someone once said that pain multiplied by resistance leads to suffering. Put another way – “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional” (Dr Ceri Evans). If we fight the pain, we make can it a mental torment, as well as a physical one. When we accept the way things are, we take the first step towards disempowering pain…
No Thing, One Thing
Without warning, he texted her goodbye … and her world crumbled.
With a new mortgage, their second child on the way, and 23 years in the public service, the news that Aaron’s job had been “restructured” out of existence, felt like an arrow to the gut.
Sometimes events happen that seem so shocking we wonder how we can ever recover and go on…
This website is brand new. Hopefully everything is working correctly. However if you have any issues or suggestions for improvements please let me know.
You can get cheaper sessions by paying for 3 or 4 session packs in advance. You will then be issued with a code to book your appointments as and when suits you.
Take care!
Rhys Dwyer
Pax Bodywork
Helping ailing bodies, stress bunnies and broken hearts!