Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) was pioneered and developed by Dr John E. Upledger after extensive scientific studies from 1975 to 1983 at Michigan State University. CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach to evaluating and enhancing the craniosacral system, which is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.

CST is a complementary treatment that releases tensions deep in the body to help reduce pain, relieve dysfunction, and improve whole-body health and performance. By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive healthcare measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease.

Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a 10 cent piece, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more.

CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to somatic emotional conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety. Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue can be used in association with Energy Cyst Release, to gradually meet and reframe unreleased past experiences, stored as tissue held memory.

By facilitating the body's natural and innate healing processes, CST is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and has been shown to be beneficial for people seeking help with a wide range of healthcare challenges and symptoms including:

  • Migraines, Headaches

  • Chronic Pain

  • Motor-Coordination Impairments

  • Central Nervous System Disorders

  • Orthopedic Problems

  • Singing, free the upper and lower registers

  • Facial trauma, dental strain

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries and Concussions

  • Alzheimer's

  • Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Scoliosis

  • Conception, Pregnancy, Birth

  • Pediatric Challenges

  • Learning Differences, ADD, ADHD

  • Autism and Sensory Processing

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Emotional Difficulties, Depression

  • Stress and Tension-Related Problems

  • Fibromyalgia and other Connective-Tissue Disorders

  • Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ) and Dental Challenges

  • Immune Disorders

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Post-Surgical Dysfunction

  • Sleep Challenges

Rhys practices the Craniosacral techniques he has been trained in so far, and further training is ongoing. At this stage he prefers to work in the 2 years and up cohort, but is open to discuss any cases of younger clients, or provide referral sources.

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