Why present moment awareness?
(These idea’s are summarised from a recent talk by Eckhart Tolle)
When you are not AWARE you are at the mercy of thought. This allows anxiety and fear to manifest.
We mistakenly think that unless we worry about things, then we are not in control of our life. This is an error, we are not doing the thinking. Thinking is something that happens to us, it is self-serving and has no useful purpose. In fact the uncontrolled feelings of fear are one of the effects.
When we become AWARE of this we take the first step towards freedom. Without present moment awareness we have no free will.
So now we have a choice.
Either return to the uncontrolled meanderings of our worried mind.
Or recognise the futility and destructive nature of thought, how this leads to unhappiness. And make the decision to take our attention away from fearful thinking.
This can be done quite simply by bringing our attention back to our inner body, or our breathing. When we can feel the aliveness of our inner body it provides us with an anchor to the present moment. When our attention is on our inner body, it takes the attention away from our mind. We begin to feel peace.
We can still think, but we do it from our field of awareness. Thinking becomes our servant rather than our master.
I am going to be offering present moment awareness advice, as a free optional extra for those who are interested. Bear in mind that there may be more time for this in the 1 hour sessions, than in a regular 45 minute session.
You can also check out Eckhart Tolle on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/user/EckhartTeachings
Peace for Body, Mind & Spirit