You May Know It

You May Know It

“And we dance to a whispered voice,

Overheard by the soul, undertook by the heart

And we may know it … if we may know it”

Neil Diamond may not immediately come to mind as a philosopher, but IMHO he was on to something in 1973 when he wrote the song “Be” as part of the Jonathan Livingstone Seagull album. On the face of it the story is about a wondering seagull. But actually, it is an allegory for life.

We know there is a presence deep inside each of us, much deeper than thought, nothing in fact to do with the crazy antics of our thinking mind. It’s an anchor, a rock, our place of surety.

We can approach it through meditation and mindfulness practices. But actually it is there to guide us with it’s intuition every moment of the day, as long as we stay present.

It’s that little voice inside of us that tells us to PAUSE, before we react in any situation. And by so doing change the course of our lives.

“You may know it … if you may know it.”

Our life’s work is learning to be present, trust that guide deep within us, and “know it”.