How Deep Does Zero Balancing Go?
I have a middle-aged lady who comes to see me every month. She has had a number of physical challenges over many years and needs a walking stick. During the session she chat’s away about her current challenges, her struggles with the medical system, her garden or her animals - for the whole 45 minutes! She does not know how Zero Balancing helps her. All she knows is that she feels better afterwards, her joints hurt less, she feels more peaceful, and she sleeps better afterwards. Nothing else helps her like ZB.
To me it has become clear that there are two conversations going on at the same time here. There is the obvious verbal conversation between us. And then there is a deeper physical conversation going on at a level below thought. There’s an expanded level of subconscious communication going on at an energetic level with the body, which her body is responding to, with no need for the thinking mind to be involved with.
Now once this deeper conversation starts to happen in a ZB session, usually within the first 5 minutes or so, most clients stop talking, close their eyes, and feel how good it’s feeling in their body. Their brain has exited the thought stream that occupies most of us 24/7, and it’s just delighting in being in the moment. They are beginning to feel the deepest parts of their body in a way they may not have felt for a very long time. Some of them become deeply expanded, others less so. Some people release pent up stress or emotion. Others just bliss out.
However, the incredible thing I find is that it doesn’t really matter what they experience mentally at the time. Because they are also being met at the deepest part of themselves. They are left with a sense of connection, peace and integration – just feeling better.
Now, connection and peace are also the goals of most meditation and spiritual practices. If you ask most busy people if they’d like some of that at any given moment, they’d take it - 100%. Because when you’re busy, stressed, getting from A to B but thinking about C, D and E – you are not at peace.
Zero Balancing helps you rediscover peace again, helps you feel connected to your body again, and helps the integration of the whole shooting match – physically, mentally and spiritually. ZB’s goal is overall health and well-being – so chat away if you want!