A Quick Tip for Preventing Tension in the Body (and so many other benefits!)

What do all the people in the picture have in common?

Would you like to know one quick way of preventing tension from developing in your body that you can implement today? That also:

·        Improves mood and reduces stress

·        Generates mindfulness

·        Improves confidence

·        Enhances the way you appear to others, ie your charisma

·        Improves your overall health

This tip works.

There are many causes of stress in the body. What you may not know is that the way we hold our bodies, can generate stress in the body, causing real pain and areas of tension. Poor posture at the computer, an arched back and neck, are sure fire ways to develop pain between the shoulders, neck pain and headaches.

You’ve probably heard of body language. That the way we hold our bodies, and our mannerisms subtly communicates to others how we are feeling, and how confident we are. Without us saying a word.

When we’re downhearted or stressed we tend to get very forward on ourselves. Our shoulders hunch forward, sometimes upwards as well, it’s a defensive thing. We tend to look down a lot, avoiding eye contact, so our necks also bend. When our necks are bent, our head feels twice as heavy due to the lever effect, this increases strain on the neck.

We also tend to want to be anywhere, other than here, so these days we also escape into our cell phones as we walk. As we check out the latest Facebook drama, the energy transmitted through our bodies during walking builds even more tension in our over-curved upper thorax, neck and hunched shoulders – cementing in the tension.

The problem then becomes that tension is now locked into the body, even after the initial cause has passed. But the body-held tension is a constant reminder of the cause. So now it becomes a perpetual feedback loop. The tension causes more depressed or stressful thoughts. The thoughts trigger emotion. Emotion adds to the tension in our body, then we slump more, and so on.

So today’s tip to avoid tension building in the body is:

Every time you walk through a doorway, use the door frame as a trigger to hold your head erect, roll your shoulders down and back, no matter where you are.

I’m not talking about holding your body to attention, military style. It’s a relaxed, upright stance we’re looking for.

Leave that cell phone in your pocket when you’re walking. As you walk through that doorway be interested in what’s on the other side. You’re making an entrance. If you will do this one tip you will build confidence and charisma. People will take notice of the way you’re carrying yourself; they’ll respond to it positively, your image will grow in their eyes sub-consciously, without you saying a word. Much like the people you noticed in these pictures.

But if you’re gazing into a cell phone instead, the look is destroyed. You’re not here anymore, you’re somewhere else in “do-not-disturb-me-land”, and people will switch off you in a heartbeat.

The great thing is that way you carry your body as you walk has a subtle, but real effect on your psyche. This is the feedback loop being used in a good way. If your body feels relaxed and confident as you walk, pretty soon you will feel that way mentally too. Sure, you might have to “fake it, until you make it” for a while. But stick at it. Your mood will improve, you will be more mindful about where you are, curious about what you’re seeing, and confident in yourself. Your body will be more relaxed, carry less tension, you will be healthier.

My name is Rhys Dwyer and it is my mission to help remove tension from people’s bodies, so that they have the opportunity to feel better. Period.