Lower Hutt

Suffering is Optional

Suffering is Optional

We are here occupying these bodies for a brief time, and we are here to grow, if we choose. We all know the adage that we learn from our mistakes. However, our spirit also has the opportunity to learn and grow, as the result of dealing with adversity and pain. Usually we don’t learn much from the good times and plenty. It is in the depths of physical and mental challenges that we are asked the hard questions. It is not the pain alone, but our response to the pain that holds the key to growth. Someone once said that pain multiplied by resistance leads to suffering. Put another way – “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional” (Dr Ceri Evans). If we fight the pain, we make can it a mental torment, as well as a physical one. When we accept the way things are, we take the first step towards disempowering pain…



This website is brand new. Hopefully everything is working correctly. However if you have any issues or suggestions for improvements please let me know.

You can get cheaper sessions by paying for 3 or 4 session packs in advance. You will then be issued with a code to book your appointments as and when suits you.

Take care!

Rhys Dwyer

Pax Bodywork

Helping ailing bodies, stress bunnies and broken hearts!