How to Have a Great Day, Everyday

When you decide to make gratitude an intentional practice, for example by keeping a gratitude journal, you start to look out you look for the highlights in the day. Most often the best ones are the simple things. Your breath; the feel of your warm bed as you nestle between the sheets, with the rain on the roof; the sounds of bird calls; yesterday I stopped and watched a trout lazily swimming in a river pool, basking in the sun; a smile shared with a stranger walking the opposite way. These little highlights collectively can make your day so full.

The really great thing is that the more you look for these moments, the more they appear, and the more full your life is. Like attracts like. It’s a law of life. Conversely, for example, if we spend all our time watching the news, which is nearly all “bad”, then I’m betting anxiety is going to be a big player in your life.

You can decide in advance to have a great day today. Fritz Smith, the founder of Zero Balancing, has a mantra he repeats each morning – “Today is today, and I’m glad it’s today.” Like attracts like.

When things happen that seem less than ideal, look for the learnings, the silver linings. Be thankful for that extra breath or two that you took, before you responded. Don’t waste time and energy wishing that thing didn’t happen, replaying it in your head - it’s already in the rear view mirror getting smaller and smaller. It can’t be changed, it has already passed. The only moment that really counts now is this one. Our whole life takes place in this moment. When we live there, life is so much simpler.