"You've got a friend …"


I thought that was a much better title than “you-know-what”. It’s also an excellent Carole King song :)

At the time of writing NZ has moved to health alert level 2. So at this stage restaurants, nail salons, hair dressers and Zero Balancing bodywork therapists are still open. Wahoo!!!

However, the situation is obviously changing day by day, so check back here if you are unsure or call me if you have any questions.

I’m taking extra precautions in all my clinics to change linen between clients, keep surfaces sanitised, and the freckles have nearly disappeared off my hands from all the hand washing! I also have a few face masks if you want to use them, or you can bring your own (hen’s teeth are currently easier to get than face masks, and official advice is mixed on whether they really help much anyway). I am currently A1 healthy as can be, but if that changes I will let you know. If you have any cold or flu symptoms pleeease reschedule your appointment. If you want to maintain social distance and postpone, or cancel for now, I will completely understand. Conversely, if you want to maintain balance, relieve pain, get your chill-out dose, and keep your immune system as robust as possible, then I’m here to support you. It’s completely your choice.

As an additional precaution, please do not come into the gym or clinic until your appointment time. The less we have people waiting around in common area’s the better. And use the hand sanitiser, or wash your hands as soon as you arrive, and when you leave.

I will be guided by Jacinda and the team going forward, so stay tuned.

If you need help generally, need a chat, or you know of anyone that needs assistance, especially if they are having to self isolate, and need essential supplies, then please call me. I may be able to help.

Please remember to stay in the present moment. We could drive ourselves crazy with all the “what if’s”, for no purpose - that is just needless suffering. We will all come out of this, we will learn, and life will go on.

Should we all have to hibernate completely for a while, rest assured that I will be back doing bodywork as soon as we get the all clear again. It’s what I love to do, and what I will be doing for as long as I can lift a finger, for all of you, who have so quickly become valued friends. So thank you!

You’ve got a friend …

027 244 5886
