Stress Related Pain

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Most people think that stress related pain is held in the muscles of the back and neck. While that is partly true, what is not commonly known is that most tension is actually held deep in the bones.

The upper ribs between the shoulders are one classic site of this tension, with the pain often radiating along the rib under the scapula. When we are not able to release stress naturally we sometimes unconsciously grit our teeth, hunch our shoulders, or slouch in our chairs over our laptops and cell phones. This places stress into our structure which eventually results in chronic bone pain in the back, shoulders, neck, and jaw with tension headaches common. Energy is not able to flow freely through the bone, getting snagged up, causing a painful vibration.

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Zero Balancing gently eases away the tension from bones allowing our own energy to circulate freely through our body. We remain comfortably clothed while acupressure and stretches (focused on bone) are applied in a remarkable head to foot therapy that re-balances our whole body. Not only can pain be gently relieved, the originating mental stress can also be released, leaving us feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


Zero Balancing was developed almost 50 years ago by Fritz Smith MD, an American Osteopath and Acupuncturist, blending Western structural therapy with Eastern energy medicine.

Zero Balancing is gentle, very safe, and overall wellness and health are it’s primary goals.

Clients remain comfortably clothed in sessions lasting 45 or 60 minutes.

Why don’t you see if Zero Balancing can help ease your tension and stress?