Zero Balancing FAQ's

What is Zero Balancing?
Will Zero Balancing help me?
What can I expect at a Zero Balancing session?

👍 What is Zero Balancing?

Zero Balancing (ZB) is a non-diagnostic, holistic bodywork therapy. Gentle touch is used to ease tension through the skeleton and soft tissue, balancing structure and energy through the whole system to amplify vitality and support a greater sense of well-being.

ZB supports the release of physical and emotional trauma which may be stored in the body as patterns of chronic tension and imbalance.

ZB also may also help us approach the spiritual realm by offering the experience of being in the present moment. This enables the linear thinking mind to stand to one side in a way that is sometimes difficult to achieve alone.

Zero Balancing – Peace for body, mind & spirit

👍 Will Zero Balancing help me?

Zero Balancing can be helpful for a wide range of chronic pain issues, mental challenges, neurological impairment and spiritual goals.

People often report feelings of re-integration, reduced pain, freer movement, feeling more centred and being more in balance.

The results for the mind can include clearer thinking, relaxation, rejuvenation, a sense of calm, and feeling of being more like your ‘old self’.

Real progress on personal development objectives as well as spiritual growth often occurs concurrently.

👍 What can I expect at a Zero Balancing session?

The first session will take an hour, which includes a 15 minutes discussion around your relevant history, needs and goals.

It's best to wear comfortable, loose fitting or stretchy clothing to the appointment. Shoes, glasses and belts are removed prior to assessment and treatment. During the treatment people typically lie face-up, fully clothed on a therapy table.

The focus is primarily on bones and joints from head to foot, with some soft tissue work as needed. Treatment involves non-invasive stretches and acupressure, from head to foot, including arms.

Follow up sessions can be either 45 or 60 minute sessions. There are discounts for 4 packs and memberships. Children’s sessions are kept to 30 minutes maximum.

You can expect to be treated with absolute respect and integrity.

Please Contact Us for any further information on this amazing therapy.