Zero Balancing (ZB)
ZB is a holistic bodywork therapy that can have a profound effect on our bodies, our energy flows, and our state of mind. So what exactly is ZB?
In ZB we work the whole body from head to foot with simple acupressure and stretches done through comfortable clothing. The focus is mainly on bone, where our deepest currents of energy run. Relaxing the bones also influences tension in soft tissue. It is very gentle and so relaxing.
Ask a friend who has had ZB, and you’ll probably only get a vague idea of what it is. They might say, “It takes about an hour, usually once per month, clothes on - oh, and its magic.” Not much help, huh?!
When your friend had ZB they will be aware to start with that I stretch their body, and press gently into the bones. Simple touch - that is the extent of it. But …
… your friend may quickly lose track of the process, because as we go on fundamental changes start happening deep within themselves, bone-deep, and sub-conscious. Unlike deep tissue massage ZB doesn’t hurt. ZB is gentle and should always feel good.
Living bone has cells, nerve supply, blood supply, and is constantly remodeling itself. Like the rest of the body tissues, bones can hold tension, which restricts energy flow. Zero Balancing releases that tension, a bit like unblocking a dam in a river. Pain is relieved and function is restored.
ZB feels really good at the conscious and at the cellular levels. Cleared bone cells release osteocalcin which contributes to metabolic control in the whole body, and may extend longevity. At the structural level, energy flows (via piezoelectric effects) more freely from head to foot, which means the body is more integrated and can function more efficiently.
Bone is our ‘secret storehouse of health’, just waiting to be tapped.
Treating the whole body each time means we can often catch areas of your body that are compensating for your problem area, or other dysfunction that may be contributing to the discomfort you experience.
Once tension is released from an area your natural energy will flow much more smoothly through your whole structure. The energetic release and re-circulation contributes to mental relaxation, bringing your mind into present moment awareness, helping your feel more anchored in your core self.
Think of a violin - if the strings are tuned too loosely the sound will be discordant and dull. If the strings are stretched too tight, the sound will be ear-splitting and you risk breaking a string. The human body is like that. Tuned just right the violin, and body, will transmit energy seamlessly and can perform at their very best!
Zero Balancing was developed in the 1970's by Dr Fritz Smith an Osteopath and Acupuncturist, and is used widely around the world today. See his video explaining ZB below!
“I had really bad sciatica yesterday radiating down my left side. After a visit to Rhys all pain was alleviated and woke up this morning feeling fabulous!”
You may have:
Past injuries, chronic pain, imbalance, fibromyalgia, sciatica, frozen shoulder, neck pain, OOS, pregnancy pain, abdominal issues, TMJ, or arthritis.
Stress, fatigue, PTSD, depression or loneliness.
Anguish, grief, regret, guilt, anger, shame, anxiety or fear.
Historical emotional or physical trauma now stuck as body-held discomfort. Note that some body-held trauma can be ancestral in origin.
Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke, Parkinson’s, Tourette’s, Guillame-Barre or migraine headaches.
Unable to quiet the thinking mind! Unable to be present in the moment.
Impaired Mobility - If you can move more, you’re going to be healthier - no question.
When others are relying on you - we can work together to help you be your best for them.
No matter what ailment you have, you can be better, you can get through it. Challenges can be used for positive good in our lives, for true healing.
session PLANNING
To start with I recommend at least 3-4 sessions with 1-2 weeks in between each appointment. Following on from that you may need monthly sessions.
Sessions are up to one hour, depending on need, and children’s sessions are 30 minutes. Clients should wear loose or stretchy clothing and will lay face-up on a massage table.
The hour long sessions allow extra time to focus on problem areas and/or to discuss bringing present moment awareness into your daily life. (When you purchase Memberships you automatically get hour long sessions.)
ZB is a holistic (whole body & mind) therapy, and is non-diagnostic. Specific issues may, or may not, be relieved with this therapy - they often are improved, but like any health modality, it’s impossible to guarantee results. If we haven’t seen improvement after the first few sessions I may be able to recommend an alternate provider better suited to your needs.
There are some conditions, that we either avoid, or approach with caution. For ZB these include:
Recent surgery or within 8 weeks of bone fracture
Cancer that has metastasized to bone
First trimester of pregnancy
Grade 3 scoliosis
Advanced rheumatoid arthritis with unstable neck
Downs Syndrome with unstable neck
Please check with me if you are unsure if your condition may be treated with ZB. Your health and well being are of primary importance.
This therapy is not a replacement for conventional medical treatment when that is needed and is more appropriate.
ZB may be used in conjunction with other medical treatment, or when ailments move into a longer lived, chronic phase.
To request further information and ask any questions prior to booking please click on the button below:
Free your Body
Clear your Mind