7 simple Steps to Build Immunity:
Eat a balanced diet - try cutting meat consumption to 1 meal a day, or even every other day. Eat more plant based food, and a variety.
Exercise - during lockdown that might be limited to walking, or home based options such as yoga, tai chi, treadmill and so on. Staying fit builds immunity and helps our tolerance to everyday stress.
Try and get some sun on our skin each day. This helps us manufacture Vitamin D which is essential to protect against a range of diseases such as MS, and diabetes, as well as promoting healthy bones and teeth. Dietary sources of Vitamin D include fatty fish, cod liver oil, egg yolks and mushrooms. We can also get cholecalciferol supplements.
Don’t smoke or vape. Limit alcohol consumption.
Try and get good sleep. This may mean adjusting our hours to a regimen that suits our body. But then stick to those regular sleep times each day. It may also mean taking naps during the day if we can, even 30 minutes is very refreshing. Limit the use of technology after early evening, Facebook and the news will still be there in the morning.
Be present. Maintaining present moment awareness helps us stay with our core. It helps us actually notice what’s going on in our day moment to moment, rather than spending all our time in our heads in the past (regrets) or the future (anxiety). There are lots of books and YouTube videos to help with this. Search for Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, or Tara Brach for advice and guided meditations. Keeping a gratitude journal (thanks Oprah!) also helps us develop a positive frame of mind during the day.
Come into physical and mental balance. Remove any held tension from our body due to stress, trauma, or injury. Get our energy flowing and recirculating through our structure smoothly. This calms the brain, reduces stress, clarifies thinking, promotes creativity and allows us to connect to our core in present moment awareness.
Zero Balancing can help with the last three in particular. ZB’s goal has always been to promote enhanced health and overall feeling of well-being.
Peace for Body, Mind & Spirit