Health & Wellness Packs for
Bodywork Maintenance
Monthly one-hour sessions of bodywork act as preventative maintenance for the bodymind, promoting health and wellness. This allows clients to operate effectively, to exercise easier, and to be more present for everyone they encounter. They are more effective professionally and happier at home.
For regular sessions clients have the choice of paying as they go, or they can buy Health and Wellness Packs of sessions (4, 12 or 18) up front. Invoices can be provided for those that have the option of corporate health and wellness sponsorship, or already have this built into their employment contracts. Either way there is flexibility to reserve a favourite regular day and time each month, or just schedule one or two sessions as they go if they have unpredictable diaries.
“Our body should be treated with the utmost respect.
When we touch someone else’s body, we touch their mind and their soul.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
Pax bodywork therapies are very gentle, treating the client’s body with the reverence it deserves. The body and mind, I sometimes call it the bodymind, are gently invited to unravel to healing possibilities.
As we travel through life we are either open or shut down. Similarly, our body’s cells are either in expansion mode, or contraction mode.
When we come under emotional threat, cells go into contraction, which is a self-preservation measure. Stress and anxiety put us into contraction, surrounding our cells with toxic oxidative chemicals. Our shoulders rise, our head dips forward, we feel tension across the upper back, neck pain, headaches. Too much time in contraction mode can lead to serious illness and shorten our lives.
In expansion our cells thrive, they have all the nutrients they need, the environment around them fosters positive growth. From a wider perspective we are open, vital, creative, healthy, grounded, living life to the full, yet at peace.
Mental stress and past emotional trauma can be stored in our physical structure as pain. It restricts mobility, sometimes for years, or whole lifetimes.
Without an obvious cause, traditional medicine may pass these conditions off as psychosomatic, CRPS, CPS or fibromyalgia.
Authors Bruce Lipton, Gabor Mate’ and Bessel van der Kolk have written tomes on the science behind the physical manifestation of mind facilitated stress and illness. It’s real, and it’s dangerous!
Bodywork helps release held tension and helps us reset mentally as well. The therapies are extraordinarily relaxing to receive, clients often struggle to put words to the effects of being touched at such a very deep level – perhaps soul deep. Bodywork is a step on the road back to expansion mode, and peace for the bodymind unit.
Occasionally release of held tension results in a cathartic somato-emotional release of historic trauma. This is always liberating. I am trained to manage these cases safely and respectfully, in association with the client’s own inner wisdom.
While bodywork may help with chronic back, neck or joint pain, headaches, sleep, and so on, the emphasis is on the overall health and wellness of the whole person.
Why not get your own regular self-care at Ngaio or Silverstream? Please contact me, Rhys Dwyer, with any questions you may have.
Rhys Dwyer