What is the single biggest thing we need to beat anxiety?

What is the single biggest thing we need to beat anxiety?

The only way to get rid of anxiety is to stop creating it, we have to be prepared to give up the act of “worry”. Worry is thoughts, repeating over and over. That means relinquishing the need to control some outcome in the future. It means giving up having to know everything, to be the expert on everything in our life. It means no longer imagining multiple possibilities and scenarios, most of which will never materialise…

Stress is an Opportunity!

Stress is an Opportunity!

We’re so unconsciously reliant on automatic response patterns we learned as children, that we don’t often appreciate that we have the agency at every moment to purposely choose a different way.

Whether we are living with stress symptoms, or even if we are dealing with a significant health challenge already, we still have that opportunity to take the quantum leap that can transform our karma, our attitude, our enjoyment of life, and our health.

How We Cope with Stress

How We Cope with Stress

Our capacity to adapt to stress differs between individuals. This almost always goes back to childhood and relates to how well grounded we were and how valued we felt growing up…

The patterns are ingrained psychologically and physically where they sub-consciously remind us how to react. Not only do our habitual responses no longer serve us, but they can be outright threats to our health.

Is it True ?

Is it True ?

Do we have a self-limiting belief? Eg “I can’t because …”

Ask ourselves, what is the consequence of believing that thought? How does it make us feel? How do those feelings affect our daily lives?

Now consider how would we be if we didn’t have that thought? …

The Damned Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Damned Lies We Tell Ourselves

According to the Washington Post, President Trump told 30,573 lies or misleading claims during his presidency. Whether we believe that this behaviour was self-serving, malicious, or necessary depends on your point of view. Perhaps the Washington Post has slightly exaggerated the case? Afterall, even for someone as apparently accomplished at manipulation as Donald Trump, over 20 false statements on average for every day of his term does seem slightly excessive. That would mean barely anything he said was true?

Who do we believe? Can we believe anything anyone says? Do we need to? …

PTSD from Pain to Triumph

PTSD from Pain to Triumph

I have no words … this woman’s courage humbles me.

“Hi everyone

I just wanted to share my experiences with Rhys and Pax Bodywork and the changes I have seen in myself. I am in my 50’s, I have had long term pain and stiffness in my neck and hips due to an accident 25 years ago, I am dyslexic and to boot have a diagnosis of PTSD from childhood trauma which has caused me to hold a lot of tension in my body, not be at home in my body, get anxious and I found it hard to stay grounded in certain situations….