Why dealing with ‘our stuff’ is critical

Emotional Regulation

Serious internal conflict can arise in us when we repress our emotions, which can in turn lead to physical and mental health issues. At it’s extreme anger can often mask the originating emotions and can lead to unwise action. We’ve recently seen the publicity around the excellent “She’s not your rehab” book.

Sometimes we are not even conscious of some of the issues that may have been hidden away inside for a long time.

“Emotionally this process has really supported me as it has helped me become aware of where I am holding emotions and anxiety in my body and the treatments have assisted to release these.”

Processing emotion is critically important so that we are not hampered by the past going forward. It is the path to real self-liberation and may be the most important thing we can do for ourselves and for those that rely on us. By all means seek professional counselling help if you need it.

“During the session, early on, I felt unexpected, old emotions arise, then leave in peace.”

One of the outcomes of Zero Balancing bodywork has been to support some clients with this processing. Repressed emotion is very often bottled up as tension deep within our bones and joints. Releasing the tension from bone may release the causative emotion, permanently.

“It helped me heal through some things, it brought things to consciousness that I didn’t even know were there.”

“The treatments have certainly assisted me become free from my past and let go trauma and the wounds created by that.”

Next - Self Understanding

Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”

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