If our thoughts are not us, who are we?
Are we our roles? A role is just something we do, not “who” we are.
Are we our opinions? Who are we if our opinion today, is the opposite of what it was yesterday? Are we so changeable?
Are we past events? Our past is gone, its happened, and some of it may seem like a dream now. Did it really happen? Even if it did, are we defined by what happened to us? Should we be?
There is no doubt that some people have had terrible things happen to them in the past. Perhaps they are holding remnants of the feelings and emotional energy from those events, and their repeated thoughts about the events (which generate more feelings and emotions) in their bodies as physical pain and tension - PTSD. But the past does not define us.
The future is an illusion, just a myriad of possible outcomes, most of which won’t see the light of day. We aren’t “a myriad” either. The future always happens in this moment, nowhere else.
Where are we? Here, in this moment.
The body is temporary, it’s molecular content is continually being changed and exchanged during the biological process of life. In 7 years every single atom in our body, including the bones, will have been exchanged for new ones. Eventually the body will dissolve completely. The body only ever has a relative reality.
So if we are not our bodies, our thoughts, our memories, our future – what’s left?
Who are we? We are the one in which the present moment takes place, the witness.
Our body is a manifestation of molecules and energy in the witness.
Our thoughts come and go in the witness, we are the one witnessing the thoughts, seeing the sunset, feeling the breeze, watching the dream. Thoughts may trigger feelings in the body, but the witness observes it all. The witness goes by various labels, which are really just pointers to something that can’t really be defined in words – consciousness – space – stillness – soul – loving awareness. Whatever we call it, that’s our safe place to abide in. True power and wisdom comes from there.
Once we realise the true hierarchy of reality, unhelpful thoughts come up less, and we pay them less attention. Thinking, when it’s required takes place within the control of the witness, thinking becomes a tool to serve us, not some crazed master lie-generator bent on destroying us.
So quit the “damned lies” and just be here now. Let that thought go. It’s so much simpler.