Get better at the one thing most people struggle with

Relational Ease

Human relationships are often the biggest challenge we face in life, usually the more significant the relationship, the more challenging! To negotiate relationships successfully it is important to maintain a keen state of present moment awareness, so we can truly listen to the other person, and respond in a kind and meaningful way. When we lose presence, there is a tendency to react defensively, which can often hinder, rather than help, communication.

During a Zero Balancing session clients become very ‘present’. They become very aware of their body, and their thought stream begins to diminish. Being present is a very healing state for the mind to be in. This presence may persist beyond the session and is the perfect state to interact effectively with other people. Relationships go so much easier.

“Clarity and communication are better.”

“I’ve become better at listening and understanding, holding space and being tolerant.”

Next - Emotional Regulation

Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”

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