The Holistic Me

Mind/Body Integration

When we get sick, it is often a signal from our body that something is out of balance in our lives. It’s also a warning sign from our body that we’ve gotten disconnected from our body, that we aren’t paying attention to its needs. If this goes on for too long the body may respond by sending us minor warning signals - pain, lethargy or sickness. If we choose to ignore these, the body will eventually lose its capacity to compensate and then we will have to stop, maybe permanently.

When the whole person is well/balanced/integrated, individual problems may diminish or disappear - issues such as feeling down, adrift, in pain, no energy, on edge, out of kilter or disconnected from ourselves. Our body is better able to serve us when we are more in tune with it.

“Definitely feeling happy, free, connected, grounded and pain-free these days.”

The ‘unusual’ feature of Zero Balancing (ZB) compared with other therapies is that it’s goal is overall health and wellness of the person, rather than attempting to fix a particular body part. It’s a holistic therapy. When the whole body is rebalanced, the mind is also reintegrated with the body – the two are actually part of the whole - “the holistic me”.

“My body feels grounded and balanced and I feel like I am thriving.”

When clients reconnect with themselves, the effect is often difficult for them to put into words. Each has a slightly different way of putting it:

“I want you to feel the kind of unbelievably better that I have been feeling since my first Zero Balancing session with Rhys in late 2020.”

ZB can reintroduce us to ourselves.

“Each time I came away feeling a whole lot more myself than when I walked in.”

“The relaxation from each session is profound.”

“I have more energy.”

“It’s definitely helped with being in my body. And the anxiety aspect of Lyme disease, it’s helped a lot with that.”

“My mind is more aware of how my body feels.”

“I feel healthy.”

“It’s like my body is singing to me ‘thank you, thank you, thank you!’ ”

Next - Aligned Comfort

Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”

Book a Zero Balancing Session ($40 OFF first session & no deposit!)