
Be Present - December 22

Be Present - December 22

“Layers of the Onion”

I came across this YouTube interview with a Zero Balancing client in the UK, sharing her experience of how ZB helped her release buried trauma, that she didn’t know was there, but had been inhibiting her life. The results have been very liberating for her. Like many ZB clients she’s not able to describe what ZB is exactly, but that is less important than the outcome…

Also My Birthday, Difficult People, CranioSacral Training, Pro Bono Sessions and more …

Be Present - November 22

Be Present - November 22

“You’re in less pain and you feel better”

Recently some clients referred a new person to me. Like most people they struggled to describe exactly what it was that I do, but they summarised for her as: “You’re in less pain and you feel better.” Lol! I had to agree that is the desired outcome after all.

Bodywork is very gentle so very safe. Lately I’ve been seeing more children and getting encouraging improvements for them too.

However, I have been concerned for a while that I wasn’t reaching everyone that might get some advantage from bodywork that really needs it. As a one-person operation it is very difficult to continually fund advertising to get the message out there. And especially hard to get across bodywork’s potential when, even people who have had it can only really describe the outcome….

Be Present - July 22

Be Present - July 22

There are big challenges facing us right now - as individuals, our health, our loved ones, for personal finances, for the wider economy, as a multiracial, high-tech society, for world peace, and even for the continuing existence of life on this warming planet.

How do we cope?

Say No To Arthritis

Say No To Arthritis

Say No To Arthritis – How to prevent, relieve and resolve joint and muscle pain - Patrick Holford 2021 – Book review

This advice may just help with your own physical niggle, even if it is not arthritis. Did you know, for example, that Vitamin C supplementation helps relieve back pain?

Oh, you’ll live longer too!

“The amount of antioxidants that you maintain in your body is directly proportional to how long you will live”

I summarise some of the key idea’s here but I encourage you to get your own copy of the book if it piques your interest.

There is Stress - There can be an end to Stress

There is Stress - There can be an end to Stress

Stress, especially perpetual stress, that can’t be immediately released, gets physically held in our body – stored in bone cells, fascia and soft tissue. This creates barriers to healthy functioning of our body. Elevated cortisol levels also create an unhealthy metabolic environment for our cells, which may eventually lead to persistent pain, reduced immunity and serious illness.