Be Present - November 22

“You’re in less pain and you feel better”

Recently some clients referred a new person to me. Like most people they struggled to describe exactly what it was that I do, but they summarised for her as: “You’re in less pain and you feel better.” Lol! I had to agree that is the desired outcome after all.

Bodywork is very gentle so very safe. Lately I’ve been seeing more children and getting encouraging improvements for them too.

However, I have been concerned for a while that I wasn’t reaching everyone that might get some advantage from bodywork, that really needs it. As a one-person operation it is very difficult to continually fund advertising to get the message out there. And especially hard to get across bodywork’s potential when, even people who have had it can only really describe the outcome.

Furthermore, as I’ve told some of you before, I would do this bodywork for free if I didn’t also need to make an income. It’s a vocation for me.

However, I recently hit upon an idea to do both!

Pro Bono Sessions

In October I trialled running a Pro Bono day at each of my clinics and had 7 people sign up. These sessions are free, of shorter duration than normal, just 25 minutes – long enough to get some improvement for people in a problem area, and to give them an idea of whether the work has potential to help them.

It is targeted in three ways:

-        For those that genuinely can’t afford it.

-        Health care practitioners who have been so ‘under the pump’ in recent years. I wanted to do something to give back to them.

-        Those that want to try this mysterious bodywork, without the risk of a financial outlay.

I’m planning to continue these pro bono sessions on one day each month at each location. The next ones are on Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 November.

So please if you know of anyone that could do with this bodywork please share this link (or forward this whole email) where they can sign up for a 25 minute session for FREE:

Or alternatively they can get $40 (33%) off their first full 1 hour session here:

I’m also working with a lot of people, including kids, down on energy and vitality post-covid, whether or not they have actually had the disease, lol. Seriously, we’ve all been under a lot of strain in recent times, and bodywork seems to help with the physical effects of stress and viruses.

More Training for Rhys!

I’m very pleased to say that, with the borders reopening, I’m about to receive further in-person bodywork training with an Australian expert, in Christchurch for 4 days in November, with a focus on Craniosacral work. I must admit that Craniosacral and Zero Balancing (ZB) complement each other very well and I often combine them in a session.

While Craniosacral works with the nervous system mainly and ZB releases tension in bones and joints, the main thing after all, is that clients are “in less pain and feel better!”

It will be nice to receive some bodywork myself during the course!

I also regularly participate in Zoom calls on Zero Balancing with practitioners in the US to help refine my skills and refresh my knowledge.

Be Present

I wanted to share a different perspective on ‘thoughts’ from author Michael A. Singer this month:

“You should see mind as an ocean of energy in which thoughts form like waves. Just as waves in the ocean come up and go down, so thoughts in the mind come and go. Each thought is different, just as each wave is different, but they are all manifestations of the same ocean.

“Scientists can study waves and understand why they behave as they do, so you can study your thoughts. You’ll see that there are underlying laws that determine how the mind creates thoughts. Your mind is the sum of your learned experiences. All the different experiences that have come in through your senses have left impressions upon the field of energy that exists as mind. Based upon these impressions, the mind generates different thoughts at different times. This is where thoughts come from.

“Your mind was simply programmed by the events that happened to be unfolding in the direction you happened to be looking at a point in time. If one or more of those events had not taken place, or if you had been looking in a different direction, your mind would be programmed differently, and your thought patterns would be different. If you understand nothing else, please take the time to understand this. There is nothing holy about any of your thoughts, and they really have nothing to do with you. They are just the result of the impressions that got made upon your mind.

“Nonetheless, you practically worship your thoughts. In fact, you do more than worship your thoughts—you think you are your thoughts. But the truth is, there is not a single thought that pops into your mind that is more you than any other thought—they are all just the result of your learned experiences.

“…Over time you will come to realize that there is only one you in there. You who sees the world, you who witnesses the mind, and you who experiences the heart is the same you. There is only one conscious being in there aware of all these experiences. When you reach this state of awareness, you are awake.”

Watkins Mind, Body, Sprit - Issue 70 p22-23

Music Corner

Music has the power to influence us in positive ways. Like anything, pay more attention to things that build you up, and less to those that bring your energy down.

This week’s Spotify choices cover themes of the heart, enlightenment and self-discovery, the latter two from oldies much like myself, lol!

Wild Roses – There Is A Place

Van Morrison – Enlightenment

Neil Diamond – I Am I Said

Remember to be in less pain and feel better!

With caring and kindness,

Rhys Dwyer

If you know anyone, from kids up who maybe struggling with body-held tension, energy levels, stress, anxiety, choices, or seeking more meaning in life, then please ask them to check me out. Bodywork and present moment awareness may just make a big difference.