Be Present - September 22

Energy & Motivation

Spring is the time to unwind out of our metaphorical cocoon (of slippers and dressing gown by the heater) - time to spread our wings and fly!

If you lack energy, the answer is motivation. Motivation will change your physiology and provide you with all the energy you need.

If motivation is a problem, then start looking for inspiration, the spark of creativity, that ‘fire in the belly’, that thing that gives you your raison d’etre. It doesn’t matter if it’s painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, writing a book, digging the garden, get fit so you are healthier, trying a new recipe, taking care of a child or training a puppy. (For one of my lady clients it's sword fighting - true story!) Whatever it is for you, the main thing is that it gets your juices flowing, that it utilises your innate talents and aptitude.

Once you have these you have the ingredients for a fulfilling life, for personal actualisation. Personal actualisation is at the top of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Inspiration engenders motivation which sparks the energy that makes things happen.

But you’re also going to need a dose of discipline to keep the vibe going. Afterall, you had a great reason for doing this. You NEED this! And the puppy needs a walk :)

If you are struggling with any one of those elements – reach out to me, I have some ideas that may help. Also, if you need help to do something important to you, or to stop doing something – talk to me!

If you are struggling with some of the other levels on Maslow’s hierarchy, then please also reach out for help. Physiological needs (Food & shelter); Safety & Security (including Health & Wellness); Social Needs (loneliness and social isolation is rife); Esteem Needs (know you are worthy).

Bright Eyes

Sometimes bodywork sessions can be quite emotional. We all carry a load of one sort or another, often largely repressed. Sometimes when we face it, rather than hide it, an emotional release can happen. Especially true in bodywork as tension is eased out of the bones, where we often hold the history of our deepest stressors – current and past.

So yes, sometimes there are tears, as we let ‘our stuff’ go. But a physical effect I witness, almost universally, is an increase in the brightness in the eyes following a bodywork session. It’s an outward sign of an inner change processing for them. It’s rather beautiful to see, and one of the main reasons I love doing this work.

If you know someone whose eyes might be looking for a bit of brightness and some hope in their life, please let them know I’m here, when they’re ready.

Fear & Anxiety

For those that suffer from these either temporarily or chronically, they should know that there is a way through this. It starts from recognising that they are worthy. They were born worthy and nothing has changed since.

The mere fact that they are here at all is a miracle. Each person was brought here to this time for a reason, their mission is to work out what that is. What is it that can ‘light a fire in their belly’?!

John O'Donohue said:

"The question is like a lantern"

Start to ask the question, eventually the answer will come.

They may notice, and be grateful for, the small blessings in their life. Oprah Winfrey recommends people keep a daily journal at the end of each day of three things they noticed that day that they are grateful for. Just doing that regularly can help to shift their mindset from the negative to the many things that are amazing about life.

It’s all part of the shift to present moment awareness and realising that we can be the author of our own lives, not just the reader. It's when we wallow in past or future spaces, which are just illusions of the mind, that we miss out on life in the here and now.

There is way more to this topic on fear and anxiety. Talk to me.

Self-Care Promotion

You may see a video on Facebook or Instagram over the next couple of weeks promoting Pax Bodywork at Ngaio (Mon, Tue, Sat) and at the NEW venue in Upper Hutt (Wed-Fri 16 Perry Street). A version of this video is also playing in the Upper Hutt Medical Centre.

The simple message is that the therapies that I do are ideal as part of regular self-care. As well as being effective for a range of chronic physical issues, they are also great for helping with general mood, wellness, energy, motivation and so on.

I’m fortunate to have several regular clients now. Like a lot of businesses though, I’m still recovering from the knock backs over the last couple of years. I still need a few more clients to help with growing a sustainable business. I’ve found that my clients have been my best advertising, by far. Some of you have been amazing ambassadors for this work! So please spread the word if you know someone that I may be able to help.


Music has the power to influence us in positive ways. Like anything, pay more attention to things that build you up, and less to those that bring your energy down.

Last weekend I watched an amazing concert with my partner. It was a mix of musical styles, performed for a wide range of ages. The musicians were supremely talented yes, but they were also there to have a party. There was some serious music, humour, lots of fun, and dancing, but the overriding feeling in performers and crowd was a feeling of great love and life. It was really uplifting to watch. (Who it was is not really relevant, we each have our own tastes.)

So with uplift-ment (is that a word?) in mind I want to share some other tracks that inspired me recently…! (All available on Spotify, 1 and 4 are available on YouTube too.)

1. First up with a vocal even more insane than Sam Smith, but with a wonderful message!

Mitsch Kohn & Netanel Goldberg – I’m Alive

2. Next, a client of mine, Geoff Keith, is bass guitarist and vocalist for this well-known Wellington band. Here they are with a great tongue-in-cheek song that I think we can all relate to sometimes!

Wellington Heads – Life’s Little Challenges

3. And one of Geoff’s own favourites that he wrote, inspired by his lovely lady Vicki!

Wellington Heads - Ruby Bay

4. Finally, an oldie from the 80’s, but just as relevant now

Dire Straits – Why Worry

Eckhart Tolle

Lastly Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now, and A New Earth, is coming to Auckland on 14 March 7pm-9pm – We are going! Are you?

With caring and kindness,

Rhys Dwyer

If you know anyone, from teens up who maybe struggling with body-held tension, energy levels, stress, anxiety, or seeking more meaning in life, then please ask them to check me out. Bodywork and present moment awareness may just make a big difference.