Why Relax?
I often ask my regular clients how they would like to feel after a session. Over the last couple of weeks since the last lockdown ended it is uncanny how many have asked for the same result:
“ RELAXED ! ! ! ”
Because they know from experience that is what they will get from a session. They also know they’ll also feel more balanced, grounded, their physical niggles will usually settle, and so on.
It got me to thinking – Why is it that the end goal is almost always relaxation?
The need to relax is something innate in all of us.
Most of us spend so much time DOING, trying to fill our days with the most amount of activity we can. Except that we mainly miss what we are doing at any particular moment, because by then we are thinking about getting to the next thing.
And when we’re not doing we are probably BROWSING. God forbid we should waste any of our precious time doing nothing!
If we’re in this doing state continually then we lose track of who we really are, and we lose our solid grounding. Instead of being considered we become reactive. Anything that interrupts our plans is considered an irritation – sometimes we even take it personally, “Why does bad stuff always happen to me?!” We wind ourselves up in stories about how unfair our lives are, when it is really just random out-of-control thought activity.
Furthermore, it is impossible to be truly creative or innovative in the doing/thought obsessed state. We may try to think our way to creativity, but really we are just taking ideas that others have come up with and rehashing them in some form.
It’s like the iceberg – the thoughts exist in the tip above the water, but the true power and mass resides below the water line. There’s a great sense of KNOWING that resides there underneath.
To be truly original we have to go deeper, where the bulk of our power resides.
And to go deeper we have to relax.
When we truly relax it’s like saying hello to that deeper self again.
Then the body quiets and the mind clears. All of the cells in our body catch a break – it is such a healing space to be in.