Why is Balance so Important for True Ageless Beauty?

Why is Balance so Important for True Ageless Beauty?

True beauty shines from within, no matter what the age. It comes from a play of acceptance, joy and enthusiasm - living in the present moment.

We all recognise that inner light shining in the eyes of someone living this way, be they a small child or a wise old grandmother – it’s a powerful thing and it gladdens the heart of everyone just to see it!

The alternative is living a resentful, mediocre or directionless life which eventually degrades any form of outward looks – the eyes never lie.

The bridge between these states is finding BALANCE in one’s life – physical, mental and spiritual balance.

This point of balance will differ for every individual. It has nothing to do with trying to regain our youth, nor attempting to enhance outward conditioned ideals of physical vigour, beauty and looks alone.

There is nothing wrong with taking care in one’s appearance.

The issue arises when we become identified with our looks, when our ego soars or dives based on a number on the bathroom scales, or the wrinkles staring back at us in the mirror. When how we look defines our feelings of self-worth, especially in comparison to others, we’ve lost.

The danger is that we are reliant on other people’s opinion of us to fuel our ego.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” but the problem is that every beholder has a different point of view. Not everyone is going to love how we look, ever. Which means we are always going to be disappointed, no matter how glamorous we think we look. We know that outward looks fade with age, yet we fight that - we are fighting nature!

As long as we are identified with outward appearances, we will never be truly attractive, or happy.

The key is to be happy in our own skin, at whatever age the skin happens to be.

Regaining balance – physical, mental and spiritual - can help us make the transition to the inner beauty that never fades with the years.


As a starting point we can imagine that we are already there. That inner beauty is radiating from our heart, releasing any frowns in our face, lighting up our eyes. How does that feel? Warm? Peaceful? Relief? Our worries can fall away like autumn leaves, and we can start anew.

Jesus said “For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

He was referring to inner abundance. When we start to believe we already have it, we will get more of it. It will shine through as ageless inner beauty than can never be taken away.

Also get some help from someone that can help us get back in balance to release any body-held tensions, let go of any ego-based pain-bodies, and help shine the calm light of present moment awareness on the troubled waters of our mind. Perhaps we will uncover our spiritual dimension in the process.

Then our true ageless beauty will shine through for all to see!

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