Sat Chit Ananda


Why our 'how' and 'why' beats our 'what'

When we are healthy, motivated, focused on a purpose that aligns with our core selves, then the body and mind feel like a cohesive unit - embodied. We feel both present and settled.

What this means is that we can start to explore our potential and purpose. When we are integrated both body and soul may be joined in a common mission. We can expand our horizons beyond just health, to self-actualisation. Then we have the potential to face every day with joy and enthusiasm to progress in our unique contribution to life.

Now, I over-think less, and instead, feel physically comfortable and energetic enough to tackle numerous (previously daunting) tasks in my life. I cannot overstate how much better this state of affairs is for me.” Recent client

It doesn’t matter ‘what’ our roles are in life, it’s the ‘how’ and ‘why’ we do what we do that matters. Embodied presence taps us into the universal source of wisdom and helps us express our purpose every day with every cell of our body in alignment. There is nothing better. It brings a power and grace to our daily activities and deeply affects those we interact with in a positive way too.

In Sanskrit they have a term that defines this state - Sat Chit Ananda (Being/Truth, Consciousness, Joy). Living our truth enables us to be an expression of The One.

This ‘embodiment’ was a key client outcome of Zero Balancing bodywork in a recent U.S ZBTF study.

“I feel more present. I feel like I have more energy, more focused in general. Overall having a positive outlook.” Recent client

“I am more self-aware.” Study participant

Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”

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