What Do YOU Really Want? - October 2023 Newsletter

What do YOU really want?

I recently watched an Instagram reel by Dolores Cannon who said in part:

“You can create any reality you want. Your mind is that powerful. You are a creator.
Everything in your life you have put there, you have created and put there. A lot of people don’t like to hear that because their lives are not exactly that good.
If you realise that you have created your reality, then you can uncreate it, by focusing on what you really want…”

Now, some people may see advice like this in their feed quite often. Or they may have heard it all before. But they are not ready to take action on it for one of two reasons. One, they think its all a load of tosh. Or two, their life hasn’t got quite shitty enough, yet.

In other words, their current level of despondent reality is more comfortable than the risk of some pie-in-the-sky scary alternative, that’s going to need some work and commitment. ‘The devil we know…’

Well, those people can’t be helped, until they decide what it is they really want. All my talk of the benefits of present moment awareness is just like water sliding off a duck’s back – they don’t have time to be present! Huh?

The truth is that when they finally decide what they really want, and are prepared to commit to it, then life will provide all the resources they need to make it a reality.

For a start, wanting a better reality changes our biology, literally the chemicals floating round our cells are less oxidative and inflammatory when we change our mindset. Read Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief, if you want more on that.

If one of their new choices is to feel more integrated in body and mind, to have more energy flowing smoothly through their structure, to have less pain, more mobility, more peace of mind – then they can come see me as often as they want.

Success in life is not measured by length of life, how many toys we own, or the gold medals won. True success is living well in each moment we are given.

It may not always be easy. Every day may not always be filled with radiant happiness and joy.

But, we will be living more energised, grounded, interesting, fulfilling moments where curiosity for what happens next abounds, where appreciation for life’s gifts kicks apprehension out the door most days. And others will respond to that, and want to be around our positive energy. They will love us for that.

What do YOU really want?

Media Corner

Youtube movie clip from The Notebook

What do you want?

Pro Bono Days

Ngaio - Tueday 24 October, Upper Hutt - Wednesday 25 October

Please share my website, or this page, with anyone you know that may benefit. Or click on this link to book now.

With caring and kindness,

Rhys Dwyer

If you know anyone, from kids up who maybe struggling with body-held tension, energy levels, stress, anxiety, or choices, then please ask them to check me out. Bodywork and present moment awareness may just make a big difference.

Note that bodywork is always complimentary to prudent medical care.