Bodymind Possibilities - November 2023 Newsletter

Bodymind Possibilities

The body and mind are inextricably intertwined, so much so that we now often refer to it as the bodymind.

Traditionally we thought that the brain controlled all, but now we know that intelligence is spread through every single one of our 40 trillion cells, all communicating with each other via peptides, hormones and neurotransmitters, in this body-wide network, dynamically in the moment.

Small wonder then, when I touch a person in one spot, they often feel it in quite another part! Or images and other sensory information starts to move for them. See the authors Candace Pert or Bruce Lipton for more background on the science of the bodymind.

Ultimately, it is the client’s own conscious, and especially non-conscious, mind that knows what the bodymind needs on any given day. So the session is always going to be unique for them.

In Zero Balancing the therapist is not strictly ‘doing’ anything really, other than staying still from moment to moment. He or she provides a still point (stretch or acupressure fulcrum) for a few seconds, around which the client’s body reorganises itself. And since the body and mind are so intertwined, the mind becomes aware of new possibilities for itself too - dawning first with the nonconscious, before blossoming into conscious awareness. That’s when the work can become quite transformative for clients, much like the butterfly in the image - it is incredibly exciting!

Bodywork Possibilities

Last month I mentioned the fairly obvious reality that people can’t be helped unless they really want to seek help. And that’s true.

But perhaps a step back from that, what may need to happen first, is that people need to be aware that there are real possibilities for them to be better. You can’t want to feel better, before you know it is possible. And that those possibilities are available to anyone, no matter how hopeless they might feel in this moment. They don’t have to be alone.

Ram Dass gave us metaphor for those of us searching for new hope. He said stir into the ashes until you find a single ember down deep inside. Blow on it and the ember will soon start to glow. Bodywork can help fan your ember, so it bursts into a new fire burning in this moment, here, now. It’s never too late to rekindle your own flame and begin to heal.

Further to general awareness of bodywork possibilities, I wanted you to know in advance that I am starting some advertising in The Post here in Wellington for three Saturdays from 21 October.  The advert hints at a ‘wind in the sails’ metaphor which I’ve expanded on in the updated home page of my website. Both of the video clips below make reference to this sailing metaphor as well. I’m also running a short Facebook/Meta ad, as well as advertising the Pro Bono sessions on the community pages.

I know many of you now also know the value of regular preventative maintenance for your bodymind, once your fire is burning bright and your butterfly has taken flight! (Is there a poem hiding amongst the metaphors? lol). Please, if you know of anyone else that needs awareness of possibilities for help, share your experience with them, and send them to my website ( for more information and to book.

More Training for Me!

I’m continuing to invest in my skills with recent multi-day training courses, as well as to gain peer review, and to rejuvenate our combined momentum. Back in August was Craniosacral Therapy with an Australian expert, Erin Riley (covering Somato Emotional Release, and the Avenue of Expression, including the voice).

The other course this month was Zero Balancing entitled The Alchemy of Touch, with a very experienced teacher from Hawaii, Rebekah Harbour. This training not only helps me make individual touch points more ‘golden’ for clients, but also gets processing going on a more body-wide level. This helps clients move significant blockages that may not only help with personal challenges, eg stress or anxiety, but may also offer the possibility for significant transformation, perhaps towards a completely new pathway!

Needless to say I have loved the training, and am majorly inspired to share it with you as we go along!

Media Corner

An Australian TV show did a special on Zero Balancing with Andy Kidd on the Gold Coast. Here is an excerpt from that show

Dr Fritz Smith, founder of Zero Balancing, explains what Zero Balancing is and the possibilities for health and wellness:

Pro Bono Days

Ngaio - Tuesday 24 October
Upper Hutt - Wednesday 25 October

Ngaio - Tuesday 21 November
Upper Hutt - Wednesday 22 November

Please share my website, or this page, with anyone you know that may benefit. Or click on this link to book now.

With caring and kindness,

Rhys Dwyer

If you know anyone, from kids up who maybe struggling with body-held tension, energy levels, stress, anxiety, or choices, then please ask them to check me out. Bodywork and present moment awareness may just make a big difference.

Note that bodywork is always complimentary to prudent medical care.