Expanded States
A concert pianist was once asked how he remembered to play long pieces. He replied that it went a whole lot better when he stopped thinking and just let his fingers do their thing. Most artists and high-performance athletes report being “in a flow” when they produce their best work. They are operating from a place of instinct, rather than thought. Legendary guitarist Carlos Santana coined this state as tuning in to the “Universal Tone”.
After years of practice building up their skills they reach a point where they don’t have to think about what to do. It becomes automatic. Then they are free to express themselves, some would say from a soul-level. They operate from an expanded state to produce acts of creativity, artistry and performance. For those struggling to find that state, a Zero Balancing session may facilitate one’s own creativity or new insights, especially after the session.
“I notice more creative solutions.”
The other benefit of tapping our sources of expression is that it takes place in the realm of enthusiasm, which is a much higher energy state. If we want more energy, indeed purpose in life, it pays to pursue something that we can get enthusiastic about.
In a recent study 100% of participants reported an expanded state during Zero Balancing. Paradoxically clients report that while they feel expanded, they are very much here in the moment mentally and physically, even more tuned-in to their core-selves during and after ZB, than they were beforehand.
“ZB brings me back to myself.”
Expanded states have also been reported as helpful for healing from illness and injury. Our bodies are very good at listening to what we tell them subconsciously. Expansion may inspire creativity and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a higher positive energy state for healing than doubt or worry.
“Taking expanded consciousness and bringing it in to your body because that’s more healing. Having a ZB has shifted my focus … Having an expanded consciousness that’s about my body, that’s a good thing, that’s what you should be going for, not to fly off.”
This is completely different to (in fact the opposite of) alcohol or drug induced states where the perception of reality is dimmed or distorted.
So this state of expansion, while an individual experience, has generally been reported with words like: peaceful, relaxing, timeless, focused, intensely aware, energising, rejuvenating.
Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”