Why does he feel like a million dollars?

Aligned Comfort

Zero Balancing is a holistic therapy which removes tension and re-establishes energy flow through the structure. This rebalancing has often reduced or resolved movement and pain issues. While there are no guarantees that specific issues will always be resolved, here are a sample of recent comments from study participants and clients:

“My hips are now level and I rarely get pain in them. This has helped me straighten my spine which has taken tension out of my back and shoulder, and I no longer notice any pain in my neck.”

“My low back issues have melted away.”

“The interesting thing is the aches and pains I usually have, I don’t have anymore. Like usually my back really bothers me… I’ve been moving my office and I’m amazed my back isn’t killing me. My body feels relaxed.”

“I am sleeping better.”

“Feeling I could lift more <at the gym> to a degree that was surprising.”

“As Rhys worked on me, I could feel a flow of energy moving within me. When I walked out it was smoothly, upright and pain free.”

“When the person who dropped me off at the door for my first session saw me walk out, they called out “Wow – what a difference that made! What happened in there?!?”

“I go home and sleep … and I wake up a new person!”

“I am no longer in daily pain. I am not grumpy because of my pain.”

“I feel like a million dollars!”
(This guy, whose back pain prevented exercise, is now training for a marathon)

Next - Relational Ease

Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”

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