Once we deal with old emotions we become more aware of ourselves, and the habitual responses we have to given situations; responses that may have led to poor consequences in the recent past. It’s possible that some of those default responses that may have served us in the distant past, perhaps from childhood, are no longer appropriate now.
When we understand this, we appreciate that if we can pause before we respond, we can give ourselves time to consider other responses. Generally that’s going to lead to better outcomes. Pausing before responding, or acting, may change the course of our life.
The trick is being present enough moment to moment, to give ourselves the chance to take that critical pause.
“I am operating from a more settled place.”
Zero Balancing bodywork may help clients to be more conscious, more present, less reactive, and less of a slave to habitual patterns, for example: anxiety, people pleasing, anger, defeatism
“I am less anxious.”
When we can be less subject to our random thoughts, we can spend more of our time in the present moment. This gives us the best chance to avoid reactivity.
“ZB brings me back to myself.”
Coming back to the present moment may be the most important thing you will ever do for yourself!
Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”