Holistic and Holy?

Spiritual Awareness

When people come to a place of connection with themselves in the present moment, relaxation and feelings of peace may emerge. This can provide a deeper connection to something greater than themselves, which is often missing in this sometimes hedonistic, materialist world. Some people approach this connection through meditation, prayer or religious observance. Others may use present moment awareness, perhaps in association with activities in nature.

“Everything is interconnected.”

“I feel an opening. I feel spaciousness. I feel peace and healing. Gratitude.”

A few have made that deeper connection during a Zero Balancing session when they got very still mentally. Perhaps Zero Balancing is redefining the meaning of the word ‘holistic’?

“There is something that feels spiritual about Zero Balancing, that I’ve never felt in any other kind of body treatment. And so for me it’s more of a holistic thing that I come away with too.”

Next - Mental Clarity & Cognitive Improvement

Summary of Zero Balancing Outcomes, or “What’s In It For Me?”

Book a Zero Balancing Session … and make a date to meet yourself
$40 Off first session ($80 net)
No deposit
1 hour
Ngaio and Upper Hutt.