Phew! - March 2024 Newsletter


She said - I will !

Miriam and I had a beautiful day on the 17th February when we tied the knot at Martinborough with a small group of family and friends. The weather was very warm, the venue stunning, and the atmosphere very welcoming and open.

Miriam walked in on her brother Andor’s arm to the Elvis Costello version of ‘She’. Later in the evening our band, Wellington Heads, granted my wish of performing our wedding dance to Sweet Caroline, no surprise to my family who know me too well!

Miriam and I are great companions and this marriage is a natural progression for us. 

Lots of love, laughter, and a few tears too.

Thank you to all of the well-wishers.

For the record I said “I will” too :)

Phew Please!

As most of you know, I often ask you to frame your bodywork sessions by stating how you might ideally like to feel after a session.

Is there a particular pain or tension you want released? Do you have some negative energy you want to let go of? Some past trauma? Or, is there a new life question/challenge you want to ask the universe about? 

However, the framing question frequently stumps some of you – replies are often “You know, the usual,” or “Relax me,” or “Check my wonky hips.” Once I had “Well, last time I felt body-stoned …”

Those are all great frames.

Another great answer I had recently before a session was, “You know – Phew!” 

Which I thought was an excellent way of articulating the, often inexpressible, experience, of the effect of bodywork, deep down inside us. Not many people get the opportunity to know themselves at that deeper level very often, a beautiful place that is beyond words – so simple, yet profound.

I recently read a short poem from a 14th Century Persian Sufi poet Hafiz, called ‘Still Cup’:

“For God to make love,

For the divine alchemy to work, 

The Pitcher needs a still cup.

Why ask Hafiz to say anything more about your most vital requirement?”

It struck me that the time-out during a bodywork session is a chance for us to become that ‘still cup’. 

Fill your cup how you will.

I could tell after her session that my client had reached her deeper ‘Phew’!

And that is another reason why I love this work.

John O’Donohue said it this way in his book Anam Cara:

“There is a beautiful complexity of growth within the human soul. In order to glimpse this, it is helpful to visualize the mind as a tower of windows. Sadly, many people remain trapped at the one window, looking out every day at the same scene in the same way. Real growth is experienced when you draw back from that one window, turn, and walk around the inner tower of the soul and see all the different windows that await your gaze.

Through these different windows, you can see new vistas of possibility, presence, and creativity.

Complacency, habit, and blindness often prevent you from feeling your life. So much depends on the frame of vision - the window through which you look.”

This bodymind bodywork may sometimes help you find another window.

Pro Bono Days

Ngaio - Tuesday 26 March
Upper Hutt - Wednesday 27 March

Please share my website, or this page, with anyone you know that may benefit. Or click on this link to book now.

With caring and kindness,

Rhys Dwyer

If you know anyone, from kids up who maybe struggling with body-held tension, energy levels, stress, anxiety, or choices, then please ask them to check me out. Bodywork and present moment awareness may just make a big difference.

Note that bodywork is always complimentary to prudent medical care.