It is all go - February 2024 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

Even though we are already one month in! I hope the year ahead provides you with the opportunities to grow, be happy, be well, and enjoy the best that life has to offer. It is all go!

It is already a big year for me:

Wedding Bells

It is an exciting month ahead for Miriam and myself. We are looking forward to a small ceremony at Martinborough on 17 February. It is so nice to marry my best friend, someone I share so much in common with, and with whom we have founded a partnership of mutual support, respect, joy and love. (Photo’s to follow next month.)

Zero Balancing Swaps

Last Sunday we arranged ZB swaps for students of ZB, and myself, in the lower North Island. It is a chance to practice, gain feedback and, from my point of view, a rare opportunity to receive the therapy.

Man, this stuff is great isn’t it! I feel like a million dollars today – grounded, present, alive! :)

Bodymind Therapy

As you well know, and as I was reminded on Sunday, bodywork goes a lot deeper than the body. For most it is a chance to relax, toss away some stress and recharge mentally as well. For some, facing particular challenges, or transitional points in their lives, it is a chance to sort some stuff out, maybe convert some old ways that no longer serve, and prioritise health and wellness. Only your inner body (/inner wisdom) knows what you need each time you come to see me. Hopefully, we can engage the ‘conversation’ with that deeper aspect of yourself, as and when you are ready.

As much as I enjoy the Body results of the therapy, I love the potential for the Mind side. For that reason this year, you will see a lot more from me about the Bodymind relationship. I have redrafted my website home page along those lines, with the woman walking along the beach image (above), suggesting both the physical and contemplative side of life.

To whet your appetite I’m going to quote a few passages from a book ‘Bodymind’ by Ken Dychtwald:

“In reality, every cell in your body is both structurally and functionally related to every other cell in your body. Similarly, all your thoughts, beliefs, fears, and dreams are dynamically connected within the structure and function of your psyche. I would also like to suggest that your cells and your thoughts are more directly interconnected than you probably believe at present.”

“When we try to gain information about the way emotional experiences and expressions are related to physical structure, another difficulty arises. It is the age-old question of which came first: the chicken or the egg. Do emotional experiences and psychological beliefs shape body tissue and structure, or does the structure of the body predispose it to specific emotions and attitudinal sets? The answer seems to be ... both. Translation from mind to matter and from matter to mind appears to be a kind of circular feedback system, with each bit of information and experience feeding back through tissue and then becoming information and experience once again. So in trying to decipher the language of the body or the structure or the psyche, all we can do is to bring these relationships into awareness and to recognize that at times the chicken and the egg cannot be separated at all.”

“… the front of the bodymind becomes like the living room of a house, with everything arranged just right to present the appropriate social image, while the back is like the attic or basement, jammed with memories, junk, and valuable remnants. In many cases, these hidden and unexpressed feelings and attitudes become frozen into the structure of the body and manifest themselves as tension, stress, and muscular armour, which only serve to further restrict the flow of life throughout the bodymind.”

Pro Bono Days

Ngaio - Tuesday 30 January, 27 February
Upper Hutt - Wednesday 31 January, 28 February

Please share my website, or this page, with anyone you know that may benefit. Or click on this link to book now.

With caring and kindness,

Rhys Dwyer

If you know anyone, from kids up who maybe struggling with body-held tension, energy levels, stress, anxiety, or choices, then please ask them to check me out. Bodywork and present moment awareness may just make a big difference.

Note that bodywork is always complimentary to prudent medical care.