
Sharron Williams

Sharron Williams

I am a sufferer of MS and due to stiffness and spasticity I decided to visit Rhys Dwyer from Zero Balancing to see what he could do for me. In my work profession I walk down long corridors and thankfully they have hand rails for me to hold onto. The day after my first session with Rhys I didn’t need the hand rails for support which was an amazing result so quickly.
My continued sessions have resulted in feeling more movement in my joints and reduced spasticity. I also just love the meditative side of therapy. During each session I close my eyes and let Rhys do his thing and work his magic. I come away from the session feeling so relaxed and calm. Zero balancing helps reduce the stress that has built up in my body. I would recommend others to try this type of therapy to see what successful results this can achieve for you.

Sharron Williams

June 2019