Every 3 weeks for over a year now I have been having ZB sessions with Rhys, and I have just booked in the diary the appointments for the next 12 months. What started as a way to reduce the pain in my hip, turned into a 'head to toe, mind and soul' session that I know makes a difference in my life.
After more than a decade of trying Physio, OT, acupuncture, hydro therapy etc I saw an advert on FB for ZB.
It made sense to me that you need to treat the whole body, that you can get deferred pain and that by working on the whole body you bring back the balance that not only helps the injured part but also your body as a whole. Everyone else had only focused on the hip and that didn't work so I decided to give it a try....... I am so pleased that I did.
I recently walked the hill to Colonial Knob, a year ago it was too painful to walk on the flat around the block without stopping. I tried Jet skiing for the 1st time and loved it. At 52 I'm now planning 'to do' rather than 'waiting to see'. The pain is reduced, I now say YES again to walks and adventures. I can sit and work without constant pain. I know that everyday when I push by body hard on a walk or in the garden that it is normal to get sore, I also know with confidence that since starting ZB sessions I recover much quicker.
Each session I feel peaceful and relaxed, I leave with confidence that we have just pushed 'reset' and that each time the reset level gets higher.
Thanks Rhys, I am very grateful.
Ellen McAllister
May 2022