Zero Balancing

Craniosacral Therapy

Somato Emotional Release

Bodymind Therapy

The body and the mind are intimately connected, the health of one influences the function of the other, and vice versa. Bodywork provides the opportunity to influence the function of both together, the Bodymind.

Zero Balancing helps the whole bodymind system rebalance itself through the still-point, or fulcrum, gently into bone. This allows the body to dissipate held tension, reorganise and let the energy flow again.

Craniosacral Therapy uses the inner wisdom of the bodymind to heal itself through gentle touch, wherever energy dysfunctions are felt in bone, soft tissue and/or neurology of the bodymind system. It’s primary purpose is to rebalance the autonomic nervous system.

Somato Emotional Release can occur during bodywork when the dysfunctions in the body, the soma, originate in past trauma, usually with strong emotional content. We can optionally talk through past trauma during the bodywork, and unearth any residual past emotional issues still held in the body, that might be significantly impacting on the client’s life today. This is never begun without prior agreement, and usually after several regular bodywork sessions. And it is always directed by the client’s own inner wisdom.

Rebalance your structure and get energy flowing again for…

health and wellness, as regular preventative maintenance that is pleasurable to receive, to revitalise themselves, and to address any physical challenges, emotional issues or life questions that may arise as they go along.

Refresh the Body - Clear the Mind

Clients regularly report feeling integrated, less pain, more mobility, more relaxed but energised, less anxious and more present.

If you want to uncover a deeper level of who you really are…

… then this work may transport you to your quiet place of wairua, to allow spirit to unfold for you, in what ever way you need, today.

We may live with:

  • Chronic pain we just can’t shake, no matter what we try, - it’s seriously stopping us doing what we need to, limiting life choices.

  • Stress is a fact of life. We carry it between the shoulders, into the neck, perhaps a chronic headache too. Perhaps its ‘weighing’ on our hips and belly too, triggering guilt or shame.

  • Serious illness is either a threat or reality. Where can we turn for support that doesn’t come through an IV line or a pill?

  • It’s a mad, mad world - covid fear, climate chaos, & war. Commitments, relationships, work, & taxiing the kids everywhere. The teens have turned feral, then there’s aging parents, health worries - we are so busy multi-tasking and counter-punching, but we’re not here.

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can originate very early in life and cloud how we interact or everything we try to do today.

It’s no wonder we’re out of balance.

Back pain is often alleviated with Bodywork

Try some selfcare that is holistic, natural, and given with genuine compassion

Zero Balancing *** Craniosacral


Psychosomatic illness gets a bad rap

When the medical profession says or implies that ‘it’s all in your head’, what you hear is ‘you are making this up, so just stop it’. Doesn’t make you feel better, does it?! Psychosomatic: Psyche (or thoughts) cause somatic (actual body felt) responses in the body. You are not making this up, and it’s not always easy to stop it.

A simple example: You know that ‘sinking feeling’ or nausea in your gut when you are filled with disappointment or dread? That’s a real physical reaction to something that started out as a thought and emotion. If those thoughts don’t dissipate quickly the physical (somatic) response can become fixed.

It is a known fact that our thoughts can cause real inflammation and pain at many locations throughout the body. Inflammation is a natural response when part of the body feels under attack; the problems arise when that response doesn’t switch off again. I heard a quote somewhere that over 90% of cancers arise when there is undue stress in the mind. That is not a coincidence. Cancer is one of many illnesses caused by chronic inflammation of the body.

Our life experience and conditioning directly impacts the structure of our bodies, how we habitually hold ourselves, how we move, and the kinds of strains we may inadvertently place on our structure.

There’s a song by Brandie Carlisle, ‘The Story’, which begins:

‘All of these lines upon my face, tell you the story of who I am.

So many stories of where I’ve been, and how I got to where I am.’

It’s not just the lines on our face - it’s how we hold our shoulders (up or forward) and neck bent forward, our head looking at the ground rather than up as we walk, how we breathe (are our ribs stuck?), how we walk, do we swing our arms freely or keep them close by our sides, and so on. Our lives may have unconsciously influenced how our bodies are shaped today, but that doesn’t have to be a life sentence.

The opposite is also true - the soma can affect the psyche. An accident at some point in our lives, may have profoundly influenced how we function, including psychologically. Which can cause a never ending feedback loop, or spiral into un-wellness.

I’m Rhys Dwyer

There is absolutely strong hope for anyone struggling with pain and despair. I know for a fact that when we release stress from the body, the mind experiences profound relief. Conversely when the mind is given the opportunity to relax and experience deep presence, the body responds in kind. You can’t heal one side of your bodymind without the other, they go together.

I’m a Ngaio local, offering Zero Balancing and Craniosacral techniques, here at Ngaio Health, and at Silverstream in Upper Hutt.

Rhys Dwyer - Half Moon Vector ZB Fulcrum at the feet

What can we treat with these osteopath developed therapies?

It is a very long list, but previous clients have experienced great results with:

BONES & JOINTS: Back and neck mobility and pain, including radiating pain like sciatica. Injuries from accidents or overuse. Scoliosis people often receive profound relief. Displacement of the C1 or Atlas vertebra relative to the occiput (often present from birth!). Shoulders - frozen or sprained. Elbows. Wrists, hands, fingers. Relief for osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis is common. Hips, knees, ankles, feet, as well as the long bones of femur, tibia and fibula. Releasing tension in the lower legs and feet can enhance feelings of groundedness.

HEAD: Headaches, migraines. Head trauma, including dental trauma. Craniosacral therapy offers excellent restoration for bones of the face, jaw and even tooth pain. Sometimes dental devices leave long term stresses in the bones. These may impact on facial nerves causing pain, numbness, tingling and even heightened SNS arousal. Resetting the craniosacral rhythm allows cerebral spinal fluid to flow freely around the brain and spinal cord, providing protection to these delicate structures, nutrients and flushing away waste products. I also offer acupressure for blocked or inflamed sinuses when needed.

THROAT/VOICE: Work with the muscles and ligaments of the throat, hyoid and tongue can improve hoarse voices, and even singing. Members of the Orpheus choir see me regularly! It benefits throat chakra functionality, and our confidence for self-expression.

BREATHING: Breathwork, usually towards the end of a session can enhance vitality, the comfort of breathing with all the ribs and diaphragm, the mobility of the abdominal organs, and the mobility of the back.

TORSO: Organ pain, or tension, may heighten or diminish the function of organs and lymph systems causing maladies too numerous to mention. Fulcrum and meridian work is applied here as necessary.

PREGNANCY: As the pregnancy progresses, a women’s pelvis and back come under special pressure, not to mention her whole metabolism! Bodywork is a safe support to help keep them flexible, comfortable and fit for birth, as well as calm. Craniosacral therapy may also help with fertility issues.

PSYCHE: I have worked with people facing all kinds of challenges in their lives including abuse or neglect (chronic and/or traumatic), depression, self confidence, autistic tendencies, post natal depression, anxiety, and many more.

SOMATO EMOTIONAL RELEASE: This is the release of chronic, often long-term issues, held in the body, that have a strong emotional component. As well as the bodywork we can add in dialogue with your inner wisdom to support the release of dysfunctions that do not serve you.

NERVOUS SYSTEM: There are way too many nervous system related pathologies to mention here. Some I have worked with are Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, polymyalgia, fibromyalgia, diabetic neuralgia, chronic fatigue, stroke,

PRESENT MOMENT AWARENESS: We know about the benefits of meditation for the bodymind. I offer advice, both personally, and through free monthly newsletters, to bring more presence into your day, and particularly your interactions with others. Sometimes taking an extra couple of breaths before responding to a challenging situation may affect the outcome profoundly.

CHAKRA REBALANCING: When the energy vortices of the chakra’s are compromised, then the corresponding functions may also be affected. For example, if the energy is down at the solar plexus chakra, then creativity, inspiration or hope may be a challenge for you.

FRAMING: I always ask clients how they would like to feel after a session. They usually say ‘relaxed’ or ‘more energy’, because they know that’s how they usually feel afterwards. Framing the intention with a session gives it a special power. Sometimes they choose to frame a particular question to the universe. That is a really powerful one, because the universe always answers, if they pay attention!

SPRITUALITY: Some clients go into deeply expanded states of consciousness, during which they may have an out of body, meditative or spiritual connection, which can be especially powerful. This is never predictable or orchestrated by me, or them. It may be just what their inner wisdom needed to do at that moment. My job is to support whatever happens with compassion and non-judgement - it is their experience.

HOWEVER: Despite the list of specific ailments that may be helped. The focus is on treating the bodymind as a holistic unit for overall health and wellness. If we work kind of big picture first, the smaller things often get resolved along the way.

Bodywork is very calming

“What if you could get therapy without talking, massage without undressing, and expand your mind without meditation or drugs?” San Francisco Chronicle

The Results

There are general effects that most people get, then there are the raft of specific results depending on what the individual most needed at that time.


  • Feeling grounded, centered, integrated, “like my old self again” – in touch with their body in quite a profound way, that they may not have known for years. It has parallels with Samadhi meditation in Buddhist traditions, where concentration blends the awareness with the body, and can lead to bliss, happiness, peace, and stillness.

  • Clear thinking, less stressed, more in control, less reactive, more present.

  • Reduced physical pain is common, along with improved mobility, and able to do more. This is life changing. Christine (below), could barely walk, now she’s riding horses.

  • It’s common to feel tired in the first day or so, as the body goes into healing mode and processes all the micro changes that have been triggered by the work. If you’re a poor sleeper, you will welcome this! Look out for the physical rejuvenation coming in the days after that.


  • Ellen, a company accountant and keen gardener suffered from chronic sciatica for a decade, and couldn’t walk around the block. Regular therapy never resolved it. Now she’s back gardening, tramping, jet-skiing and recently started painting her house exterior.

  • Christine who suffered from chronic physical pain and a traumatic experience said, “During the session, early on, I felt unexpected, old emotions arise, then leave in peace. I didn't anticipate getting improved mental clarity. Now, I over-think less, and instead, feel physically comfortable and energetic enough to tackle numerous (previously daunting) tasks in my life. I cannot overstate how much better this state of affairs is for me.”

Read their stories here...

  • One senior manager has chronic neck issues over the years, made worse by stress. Monthly ZB sessions prevent the onset of the neck pain, but also keep him calm, focused and energised. He said for him it ticks the boxes for his Te Whare Tapa Wha (the four pillars of health in Maori Ora).

  • ZB is well known for helping to release the physical components of long-held PTSD, often from childhood. Sometimes these releases are quite emotional, at others they appear then dissipate quietly, as in Christine’s case.

  • ‘Sarah’ who suffers debilitating back pain from scoliosis was written off by the medical system, other than renewing her pain script every year. The first session allayed the pain by 24 hours, unheard of for her. More recently we’ve got the pain-free period out to 6 days, and now we’re aiming for two weeks. She’s one of several scoliosis clients I see regularly.

  • Yet another regular client has found ZB the only non-pharma solution to chronic anxiety and panic attacks.

Zero Balancing is different alright

Embrace the difference!

Your first session is $40 off the regular price, or free if you come on a pro bono day. There’s also a money-back guarantee if you don’t feel better in a few days.

For even more info including a short presentation from the founder of Zero Balancing, Dr Fritz Smith, click here

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What about Craniosacral? (…read more)

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Check out the rest of my website for any questions you still have, and for testimonials or Contact Me, Rhys Dwyer, to discuss further.

I also post FREE advice regularly on Facebook and Instagram so feel free to follow me there too:

Facebook : @rhysdwyerzerobalancing

Instagram: @rhysdwyer6

Ngaio and Upper Hutt clinics - Mon-Fri 8:30am-7pm, Sat 8:30am-4pm

Free your Body
Clear your Mind
Re-Balance Today !

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